a funny looking thing, Asarum Splendens

another funny wee thing, Corybas Diemanicus

this is quite lovely, Pleione Formosana Clare (I must get one!!)

these dionysia would be perfect in a doll house garden, I think they are quite difficult to grow

a perfect wee cushion of flowers

and some beautiful hellebore flowers floating on water, a nice way to see them.
Hi Claire. I always so much enjoy looking at the beautiful flower pictures you post for us.
Alice, i am sure you will be doing the same this summer when you sow all your seeds!!
Thank You, Thank you, Thank You.
The second best thing to looking
at beautiful flowers is looking at beautiful pictures of beautiful
Flowers. Your pictures are eye candy.
RFV, thankyou!! it was an enthsiastic day, lovely flowers on diplay for us to ooh and ahhh over.
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