Tuesday, December 07, 2021

no dig gardening.. thoughts

  'no dig' subject. is a wonderful idea, I find digging difficult now, BUT.... I grow in small beds in a small area surrounded by mixed hedge which would  take over the whole garden if the long sucker roots are not dug out . The beds that are already 'going' were bastard trenced about 20 years ago and now are dug over to one fork depth.... just a turn over... to find any roots near the surface and get them out. The 'planned' bed(was a bed before,,, also bastard trenched 20 years ago,  but has overgrown to look like lawn now) will need grass taken off and again will be turned over to one forkful depth. I'll add a photo later when I've time as I would like to document the re-making of the Pole Bed.. its next to a clothes-line pole... lol. 

i'm halfway through this video so just a link here to get back to it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXsYPLzyiE4