too wet today to do much, I got the grass cut this morning. then picked a whole load of broad beans and snap peas. then it rained, and rained and. . . . these photographs are from Sunday I think, this spider guarding her eggs, waving her legs at me.
I had been going to go to Dumfriesshire today to the Wigton Agricultural Show and meet up with a few friends, but after looking at the weather reports I decided I did not want to drive up and down the motorway in heavy rain, although the area of the show looked like it would miss the weather. I am sure it would have been a great day.

this is the onion patch, there are self seeded nasturtiums, poppies and calendula, sometimes I am glad I don't weed that much! there are a few nettles in there too.

the lettuces are doing fine under their cage!
noticed your cage around you lettuce. looks like racks from a stove oven or refegator. i thought that would make great pen for setting hens. now if i can find some old oven racks i will be on my way to a new cage. thanks.
Ha! Mom just came home with a cage very much like that which seems to have no purpose as it is far too small for what she intended. Now you've given me an idea!
Love your weed patch -- it's very lovely and now I see your nasturtiums! I have too many weedy areas for my own good right now. It's an embarrassment, really. Chickens can help me compost them quickly, I hope!
I guess we're all obsessed with the cage. Is it a protection against rabbits?
old oven and fridge/freezer trays can be wired together for much the same effect.these cages are old indoor bird/budgie cages, they are used primarily to stop the cats peeing on and digging up small seedlings, the cats dont bother going in among bigger stuff so these cages can be moved now, I'll do that when I get around to weeding. . .
I like the way you captured the shadow of the spider.
And thanks for the comment(s). I bet your chiropractor has never heard that one before.
Cream soda is very real over here. We don't call it American Cream because we live here. Over there it's a perfectly reasonable name.
It's great as an ice cream float. So is root beer - American or otherwise.
Letuce under a bird-cage?
I was wondering about the cage too but you answered the question...thanks. Great idea. Love your weed patch. I wanted to plant nasturtium seeds but still haven't done it. There's always next year....
Love your carnation below!
Great pic of the spider :)
All your paths are very pretty. Nice designing. The one by the fence makes a very convenient storage spot. Why waste it by walking on it? :)
Loved catching up with your entries after my trip! The garden looks great! And earlier--nice to see you in your kayak! I never go out without my hat....
Peggy, I always have a spare wooly one too.
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