photograph from
Inverclyde Now, me on the left, Frankie in the middle and 'unknown boy'(sorry)

another IN photograph, this is our Forbes escorting his swimmer, good picture.
reporting on last weeks swim
Inverclyde Now , and the
Greenock Telegraph which has a nice picture of Rory , I am in the background behind his head.
That blows me away....
swimming in the clyde!
hey claire get this. I have more red dots in different places on my cluster map than you do, but your getting more visits per day than me.
I have a friend who does this in the swim around Manhatten. She's on frogma.blogspot.com. Great gal.
Crunchy Carpets, I like kayaking but the whole idea of that is never to swim in the clyde. you have to admire thier bravery though, cold, rough and over a mile, brr, exhausting!
Dragonfly, the cluster map is updated ocassionally so sometimes it has no dots at all. I think its interesting.
Michael, I'll checkout that link, I don't think I'd like to do it, maybe somewhere warm.
Yes, I was just going to ask -- how cold is it?!
One of my fears is open-water swimming with all that mucky-ucky unknown stuff underneath. That's why I did a tri with a lake swim. Biking, running ok. The swim did me in! And then just to prove me right I got a rather nasty eye infection because of it!!! Haven't done it since. And the water's too cold to be in long outside my house. Or so I say.
Wildside, I'm not sure of the water temperature, you can dangle your hand in it from the kayak and it feels warm, but a couple of feet down and it is chilly, I have tried to see what temperature that can be but can only find an ariticle for a tidal loch stating maximum summer temerature is 9c and i think its colder than that.
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