Hungarian Hot Wax peppers, I think they ripen to red so yet to see how hot they are and these 'very savoury' wetsuit boots, no longer allowed in the house, even after non-regulation washing machine wash. . . .
Madcapmum, neoprene and salt water, savoury from a hundred paces Wildside, the string in the greenhouse is probably only about four foot up, doesn't the grass look great when its out of focus?
Greenhouse clothesline? Now, that's a very good idea for a rainy climate, isn't it?! Why hadn't I thought of that?! And yes, your grass looks perfect...
'Savoury' is a polite way of putting it ;-) Hopefully they will sprout a wee pair of legs and banish themselves before the long winter months.....otherwise your greenhouse will need a toxic emissions licence by February.... ;-) My wetboots live in the shed which is good 20 yards from my cottage..
Oh, I love hot peppers! They remind me of my younger days, gleefully spent in Mexico. Do you make anything with them?
There is a mixture sold to decontaminate 'savoury' boots which people swear by. It's called 'No-stink-em' or something like that. If you can't 'google' it I try looking around and let you know.
A lifetime of kind horsemanship, I think we were doing natural horsemanship before it was ''invented''
I have completed Level One with Quantum Savvy Natural Horsemanship.
I am sad I can no longer access the Parelli learning platform, its just too expensive with too many changes.
I've tried some clicker training with good results , but haven't found any one person to wholly agree with. I guess I'll just need to keep trying to see what works
You gave me a good giggle, Claire. Wet suit boots become "savoury", do they?
Love your stretch of serene green behind your booties -- so your clothesline is pretty high up?
Madcapmum, neoprene and salt water, savoury from a hundred paces
Wildside, the string in the greenhouse is probably only about four foot up, doesn't the grass look great when its out of focus?
Greenhouse clothesline? Now, that's a very good idea for a rainy climate, isn't it?! Why hadn't I thought of that?!
And yes, your grass looks perfect...
the question is when the boots ripen will they turn red or black. . .
'Savoury' is a polite way of putting it ;-) Hopefully they will sprout a wee pair of legs and banish themselves before the long winter months.....otherwise your greenhouse will need a toxic emissions licence by February.... ;-) My wetboots live in the shed which is good 20 yards from my cottage..
Hi! The peppers look like the right color to me. I bought some in the grocery store and that's exactly what they looked like.
I was making a Rachael Ray recipe. Way cool boots ;)
Hi Claire,
Oh, I love hot peppers! They remind me of my younger days, gleefully spent in Mexico. Do you make anything with them?
There is a mixture sold to decontaminate 'savoury' boots which people swear by. It's called 'No-stink-em' or something like that. If you can't 'google' it I try looking around and let you know.
Hot peppers are not my thing, but I like the sweet peppers. Pretty picture!
Sneakers can get pretty savoury too :) Nice boots!
My wetsuit boots stink even though I take them in the shower with me to swill them out - the lovely aroma of mud and rubber!
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