Thursday, August 10, 2006

more sneaks

more pictures of Sandy and Morag's garden, the seat at the end of the grass path
round every corner another view of somewhere more to go beautiful plants
and more beautiful plants. I love how they are all put together together.


Anonymous said...

claire i will be happy to send you some of my luffah gourd seeds. I have plenty of them to share, just email me your address at

Wildside Musing said...

Beautiful to the state of perfection; such workmanship.

clairesgarden said...

Dragonfly, thankyou, I'd love some, sending address
Wildside, I think you tell by the edging there's perfection in there, now I dont ever really get around to edging much, once or twice a year when the grass threatens to overgrow the path.

patsy said...

the garden is very lovely. i wish i could see it in person.

Sigruns German Garden said...

wow, the Astilbes are flowering! In my garden I have cut them down for weeks again.

Claire, this garden is lovely!


peppylady (Dora) said...

What beautiful garden. I haven't been able to take any picture of mine because my camera is broken still waiting for a part.
Still mine nothing compare to yours.

clairesgarden said...

Patsy, it is lovely to walk round, all the paths leading round and about.
Sigrun, its a very nice garden, I am quite jealous
Peppylady, unfortunatley this isn't my garden, I have been posting pictures of a friends garden, I love it.

Kerri said...

What a wonderful garden! Thanks so much for the sneaky peeks! They do a fabulous job and obviously lots of work to keep it looking so beautiful.
I'm the same with edges. I do it in the Spring and Fall if I can get around to that second time.