I have done a quick update of names, will be back later to try to fill a few more in, any names you know?

Ajuga reptans - bugle

Eschscholzia californica, californian poppy(possibly not native!!)

Tulbaghia violacea, edible wild garlic, makes great soup!!

Silene dioica, red campion

Geranium , crane's-bill, I am unable to identify which type from a book.

wild garlic again with a red campion

possibly Vicia cracca, tufted vetch (the lilac coloured middle left)

possibly Geum rivale?

Primula veris, cowslip. I was lucky to see this one in flower as they have mostly gone to seed now.

Hyacinthoides non-scripta - bluebell

Symphytum tuberosum - tuberous comfrey

Cytisus scoparius - broom
Under the bluebells that is a wilde geranium. And I know only german names of some of your flowers.
We have Scotch Broom taking over our entire region. It's beautiful, but I sure wish it had stayed home where it belongs as it grows where-ever there has been a disturbance and changes soil chemistry making it difficult for our native plants to re-establish themselves. Your comfrey looks different than the weed growing in my yard that I couldn't be rid of if I tried -- good thing it has pretty blue flowers that I enjoy. Do your bluebells all droop over like that?
All the flowers along your RR path are beautiful! Must be a nice interlude to travel there...
Can't help with the names but so glad you put them on post. I assume these are native to scotland and would like to compare them to our wild flowers. if you decide on other names post the names for me later please. wild flowers have always been a interest of mine.
sigrun, yes I thought that waas geranium, I have a very similar one in the garden behind the shed.
Wildside, its a shame some plants take over, we have problems here with rododenrons, bamboo, some kind of japanese vine thing thats taking over that can't even be killed with weedkiller and will grow from a quater inch of root. . . but gardeners will have 'things'! including me!! claifornian poppies and erythroniums and dodecatheons . . . . .
Patsy, I hope to get the names on but this week has been such a rush, I don't seem to have time to sit down to look!! I think most of these are native to here, but not totally sure.
Wonderful photos. Isn't nice to add our wild flowers and garden flowers to out sites. I is great for our readers in other countries to see and compare and vice versa, it is amazing how many that we have in common
AL, I am just amazed at how many flowers are along the railway line this year, I am sure they must have seeded some because I have never seen primula there before and there were a lot.
Pam, welcome to blogging, are you in the UK? you probably are if you are complaining about the rain!
Pam, yes our weather is a bit wet and wild this w/end too, I am near Glasgow, I would like a pergola, something to have climbers on,
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