some prize winners at the SRGC show today. . . Trillium Sessile cream form Trillium pussilumsorry name forgotten! Viola columnaris and again to show how it looks Calochortis 'Cupido' Calochortis tolmei Iris sprengeri Iris Iberica Lycotis
real great flowers. you must have a good camera.glad you like Sarah's story. we found all the records in ky. in 1833 Sara went to court trying to get her propert back. when they divided the propert in 1807 Charles got 2 slaves and Sarah got 5. When Charles died he gave his 2 slaves their freedom. I think when she went to court in 1833 she was trying to get the 2 slaves back into slavery. I told my sister thoese slaves better get out of Ky. or Sarah will get them
Trilliums are native to here, and already rare, but with all the development of wild land into houses and office complexes, becoming rarer still. At various times I've tried "rescuing" one or two, but sadly none survived... Until now! I spotted one I "saved" from a future parking lot growing under my alder tree. The flower is still green, in May here is when they are in full white glory so I have a few more days to wait and see... I hope this one will live on.
Patsy, I did like your story, she sounds like a feisty woman, glad you like th flower pictures, Madcapmum, I quite liked that one! there were a lot of the plants I would like to have touched to see how they felt, but there is a strict no touch policy and I behaved myself so I dont know if it felt as furry as it looked, Wildside, I didn't know the trilliums were becoming rare, they had some beautiful ones of different colours for sale and they were expensive, so I may not ever get one, glad you managed to rescue one and I hope it flowers! Sigrun, thankyou, Granny, thanks for visiting, there is a cat here thinks I ought to be petting her and not typing! AllotmentLady, thanks for visiting, where in Scotland did you go to?
Carol, it is a funny looking thing, the small flowers are so pretty, its probably difficult to grow. Janice, oh, I thought about it, but it would probably make me rich and that wouldn't suit me. . .ha. the Allotment Lady suggested above they could be used for postcards and that would be something I would use as I like to send small cards to friends I haven't seen for a while, I would need a new printer though, this one is tired out!
A lifetime of kind horsemanship, I think we were doing natural horsemanship before it was ''invented''
I have completed Level One with Quantum Savvy Natural Horsemanship.
I am sad I can no longer access the Parelli learning platform, its just too expensive with too many changes.
I've tried some clicker training with good results , but haven't found any one person to wholly agree with. I guess I'll just need to keep trying to see what works
real great flowers. you must have a good camera.glad you like Sarah's story. we found all the records in ky. in 1833 Sara went to court trying to get her propert back. when they divided the propert in 1807 Charles got 2 slaves and Sarah got 5. When Charles died he gave his 2 slaves their freedom. I think when she went to court in 1833 she was trying to get the 2 slaves back into slavery. I told my sister thoese slaves better get out of Ky. or Sarah will get them
That tolmei is just bizaree looking. It belongs in a goth garden, I think, nestled up to the Venus flytrap.
Wonderful photos! Yet again!
Trilliums are native to here, and already rare, but with all the development of wild land into houses and office complexes, becoming rarer still. At various times I've tried "rescuing" one or two, but sadly none survived... Until now! I spotted one I "saved" from a future parking lot growing under my alder tree. The flower is still green, in May here is when they are in full white glory so I have a few more days to wait and see... I hope this one will live on.
Wonderful photos, Claire!
I've been looking back through your photos. How lovely.
Comment on granny:
40 is a good age. I'm pushing 70 now and that's not so bad either.
The cats think everything in this house, including the humans who they allow to live here, is for their convenience.
Thanks for visiting. Com back anytime.
Fantastic photos - which bring back lovely memories of our trips to Scotland.
I love the the plant photos too - they would make wonderful postcards.
Will be back soon for another visit.
Allotment Lady
Patsy, I did like your story, she sounds like a feisty woman, glad you like th flower pictures,
Madcapmum, I quite liked that one! there were a lot of the plants I would like to have touched to see how they felt, but there is a strict no touch policy and I behaved myself so I dont know if it felt as furry as it looked,
Wildside, I didn't know the trilliums were becoming rare, they had some beautiful ones of different colours for sale and they were expensive, so I may not ever get one, glad you managed to rescue one and I hope it flowers!
Sigrun, thankyou,
Granny, thanks for visiting, there is a cat here thinks I ought to be petting her and not typing!
AllotmentLady, thanks for visiting, where in Scotland did you go to?
I am intrigued by the Viola columnaris! What an interesting plant. All of your pictures are very good.
Wow! What great photos of flowers! Have you gaven any thought to doing a calender with your flower pictures?
Carol, it is a funny looking thing, the small flowers are so pretty, its probably difficult to grow.
Janice, oh, I thought about it, but it would probably make me rich and that wouldn't suit me. . .ha. the Allotment Lady suggested above they could be used for postcards and that would be something I would use as I like to send small cards to friends I haven't seen for a while, I would need a new printer though, this one is tired out!
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