because I didn't know, I looked up this . . .
Beetroot ; Beta vulagris subsp. vulgaris ; is grown for its edible roots(beets). I plant lots of different varienties as I really like them, baked, roasted, in soup, stews and have been told it makes a great addition, like carrots, to cakes so I will try that sometime. I was give a packet of white beetroot to try this year.
Swiss Chard; Beta vulgaris subsp. cicula ; close relative of the beetroot. I haven't grown this before, usually just pick beetroot leaves to add to a salad or my friend who has a market garden supplies me with plenty, but the photograph in the seed catalogue was so enticing. . . .
also included in the same family(chenopodiceae) are mangold, use as a cattle feed and the beet used for sugar production. photograph from last year showing the beetroot stuck away in a wee corner, they did quite well there, lots of manure!
Well, thanks for the very clear explanation, Claire! Let's see, to us that's "beets", "swiss chard", and "sugar beets"...
Wildside , you're very welcome,
enjoyed your blog esp. pictures. Arkansas USA
Was showing my mom the photos of our sewer project that I had posted up. She was asking about who blogs and what they are so as an example we just stopped by and I showed her yours! Your photo of the daffodil closeup wowed her and has her outside taking photos right now to try and match it, I'm certain!
Wildside, glad your mom liked them, that one was a daffodil nodding downwards so I put the camera underneath it, thats why it looks translucent as the sun is behind it.
Patsy, nice of you to visit, thankyou,
Connie and Rob, this photo was last years and I did get some good stuff to eat, hope its as good this year!
I was just going to ask if this was last year's photo. Cuz if it was a picture of the spring you're experiencing, I thought I might cry!
Madcapmum, no, there is nothing yet growing in the garden, good stuff in the greenhouse but it will be mid may before anything really gets going.
i'll have to add some of your beet suggestions to next year's planting list. i'm fond of them too, and they seem to like the climate here.
if youre trying swiss chard,you might like to try some of the varieties that have yellow, orange, and red ribs. they're sold around here as a blend, called 'rainbow chard'. really gorgeous in the garden, tasty as well. i use chard instead of grape leaves, in my Greek dolmades recipe. (as, obviously, grape vines are not common)
Grannyfiddler, I have a packet of rainbow chard to put in, and a nother one , can't remeber its name and I'm too tired to get up from my chair now! cycled to work today and yesterday!
Hi Claire,
What a lovely garden.
I'm still trying to get my started.
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