cheery primroses

Frittilaria Meleagris(snakes head frittiliary) tighly folded still, hopefully its amazing checkerboard patterened flower will open soon. It took nearly three years for these to flower(last year for the first time) so hopefully now they will slowly increase.
I have a couple of different fritts but not sure if the others will flower this year.

Erythronium 'White Beauty', speaks for itself! This was just a little bulb I got last year so I am glad to see a flower and a second one coming. In my minds eye I can see whole drift of this and the pink erythronium, lovely, don't think the wallet will stretch to it but they increase fairly well so maybe one day!
Thats one thing that annoys me so much about gardening programs, if they are doing even a small project they use plants that cost in excess of ºany amount!º, not practical reality for most people.
1 comment:
Mmmm... Nice wake up to photos this morning!
Claire, just a note! If you try my Cranberry Bread recipe you may need to add a second cup of oatmeal at the end if it looks to liquidy. I keep trying to remember if this is what I did or not this past bake, because usually I just add 1/4 cup of the yogurt or milk...
Hope you have enjoyed your Easter Sunday -- you are so far ahead of us here, I think your day may be nearing completion now!
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