pulmonaria, this pot was destined to be planted out, never got there and has been decorating the doorstep cheerfully for some time now.
I am just in from another wee minute in the garden, dodging rain and hail showers in between nice warm sunshine. planted into the garden(seeds) this week are beetroot, turnip and spinach, doesn't sound like much for all the hours that have passed!
Connie has asked me if the erythronium is part of the lily family and now that I have looked it up it does say Liliacea, most of the varieties seem to be from america and the native one to europe is the pink denis-canis(not in flower yet but a newish plant so I dont know when it will)
Lovely! Love those pots of flowers just outside the entry door.The blue color is stunning, I use that color a lot in my gardens.Today was a difficult day posting "a Tribute" thanks for visiting. Now I am off to the garden to cheer myself up.
We've gone through a few of those Spring hail showers of late too... Here is some like there it seems... Rainshowers and daffodils cheer us through grey weather too.
Beetroot, now isn't that Swiss Chard?!
Wildside, yu can eat beetrot leaves but the varietys I have put in for the roots, to eat. I have some swiss chard to put in to, for the leaves for salad. Lucky I wasn't planting anything out yesterday, there is a light ground frost this morning!
Naturegirl, I miss all my old cats too, I love to have pots on the doorstep and change them often.
Your photo's are beautiful. I found your lovely blog through Naturegirls blog. I enjoyed my visit here and shall return.
Does "beetroot" also cover just what we here call beets then? Or is it something different?
Just curious. You don't have to answer!
What beautiful flower pictures! Your doorstep must be gorgeous!
I have been dodging rain and hail also. We have been having a very cold spring. Love your pulmonaria! I have several varieties and always enjoy them each spring. They are such long bloomers.
Wildside, you prompted me to look it up, posted a post on it!
Gardengirl, thankyou for visiting
Peggy, I got out for a paddle last night, lovely evening, new people at the club too. I like to have something cheery at the door, a remnant from living where I didn't have a garden.
Sandy, this is the first pulmonaria I have bought, I am quite impressed by the length of flowering time.
Hi Claire,
My daffidiles are already spent, but it was nice to see yours.
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