Primula Wharfdale Bluebell, its about 4" high and lives in the greenhouse.

Underneath this tented section of fleece. . .

I am cultivating Cattica Tansy 'Hidden Variety'.
more about sheds
Tee Hee! That Tansy! That Claire! :-D
i have a similar tunnel for my strawberry plants. no 'Tansy, Hidden Variety', though.
Congrats! You should enter them both in the next home and garden fair!
Now, what are the ribs made of that are holding the fleece off the dirt? I'm thinking that I'm going to need some shortly.
Wildside and Grannyfiddler, that Tansy is a rare one!
Madcapmum, they are just bent over wires, about 4ft long and bent over, somebody gave me a bicycle wheel and suggested I could cut it in half but I'm not sure its got enough height in it and don't have a saw that will cut metal anyway.
What a nice hidden Variety! I have three of this.
Connie, Tansy is sitting on top of the lettuce! very helpful!
Sigrun, I think two is enough for me just now, but you never know. . .
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