This is Rosie before she errupted into an angst ridden teenager, nice girl she was! She is hugging Lily who has been missing for two years now, poor kitty. A friend sent me this link with the comment 'it'll make you feel old'( you just enter your date of birth into the prompt)
Afraid to go there (follow that link), as I feel too old already this AM! Sometimes I feel as if I should have a teenager, but then wonder just how old I'd feel then?! (Yikes! So since I don't, I'll admire those who do, and survive to do it well...)
Ah..been there, done that! My Kathy (youngest) was full of angst too. What a pain she was :) And yes, she was the sweetest little girl too...really precious, until she 'errupted'. Now she's 25 and back to being a sweet girl again (mostly) :) Of course, she got better as soon as she moved into her own place!!! Sometimes we just need to be separated from those children we love so much, right? Their 'fight for independence' is not easy for all concerned :) Don't worry, this too shall pass! Rosie's a lovely girl and Lily's a gorgeous cat. Sorry you lost your kitty. That's always sad.
Love that link and am tempted to copy it. I remember my Mother crying every time I came home from college. She was convinced I was a heroin addict because of all the goth make-up. My friend had a chain from her nose to her ear and we used to get spat at by West Ham football fans. Don't worry, she'll be fine.
I have rarely worn make up, even as a teen, I did have a 'chained' friend though, she became a lawyer eventually! do copy the link if you want it, I got it in an e-mail from one of my friends.
A lifetime of kind horsemanship, I think we were doing natural horsemanship before it was ''invented''
I have completed Level One with Quantum Savvy Natural Horsemanship.
I am sad I can no longer access the Parelli learning platform, its just too expensive with too many changes.
I've tried some clicker training with good results , but haven't found any one person to wholly agree with. I guess I'll just need to keep trying to see what works
Afraid to go there (follow that link), as I feel too old already this AM! Sometimes I feel as if I should have a teenager, but then wonder just how old I'd feel then?! (Yikes! So since I don't, I'll admire those who do, and survive to do it well...)
Sweet photo of the two of them!
"Erupted"! Wonderful descriptive word of the process. She's a lovely girl, and I'm sure she'll "recover".
Ah, but the question I always ask myself is "but will I?"
exactly, I don't know if I am going to recover!!
Ah..been there, done that! My Kathy (youngest) was full of angst too. What a pain she was :) And yes, she was the sweetest little girl too...really precious, until she 'errupted'. Now she's 25 and back to being a sweet girl again (mostly) :) Of course, she got better as soon as she moved into her own place!!! Sometimes we just need to be separated from those children we love so much, right? Their 'fight for independence' is not easy for all concerned :) Don't worry, this too shall pass!
Rosie's a lovely girl and Lily's a gorgeous cat. Sorry you lost your kitty. That's always sad.
I hope my baby girl always stays as sweet as she is:)
I know I am a dreamer, though.
Love that link and am tempted to copy it. I remember my Mother crying every time I came home from college. She was convinced I was a heroin addict because of all the goth make-up. My friend had a chain from her nose to her ear and we used to get spat at by West Ham football fans. Don't worry, she'll be fine.
I have rarely worn make up, even as a teen, I did have a 'chained' friend though, she became a lawyer eventually! do copy the link if you want it, I got it in an e-mail from one of my friends.
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