I am still continuing my Quantum Savvy horsemanship with Abbey but seem to be stuck on the begining of Level 2, since last September acutally....she is too spooky and although it all seems good in practice whevever I tape an assignment to email to them she is 'not doing it'. or is that me not able to manage her correctly...I have an instructor coming this weekend so hopefully will get some strategy tips for the moments that are causing the lack of progression.
Hi Claire! Lovely blue poppy with the rain drops! Raining and lots of weeding to do here as well -- we could ask what is new?!? But alas, as you so wisely say, relax & accept! What is, will be.
this poppy is the truest blue! exquisite!spring is really here in the waynorth! there's a chokecherry tree blooming in my neighbor's yard that fills my house with sweetness. good luck with the instructor visit. no doubt they'll tell you something you already know, but overlooked, and Abbey will progress in leaps and bounds..... well mannered leaps and bounds..... :0)
Hi Claire
That poppy photo is absolutely gorgeous. You should enter it into a competition, you would win. I really love the photos you take, particularly the ones of the horses and Jake.
Love the blog, keep weeding!!
hi wildside, off to sit in the garden, no weeding, too hot!! and that's unusual for here so i am making the most of it.
GF, welcome spring! leaps and bounds...hmmm...
Helen, hi!!!
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