vinca, growing in a pot

tulips also in a pot, intended for the doorstep but I think they're too big to sit on the doorstep

primula gold lace, its about the size of my thumbnail.

this double primula has lost its name, it looks a bit pink on the pc screen but in 'real life' its a deep red.

primula guineve giving a good show

a white fritillary, this is in a pot on the doorstep. you can just see the checkerboard marks.

a lovely 'snakeshead' frit. I love these when they open with their checkerboard markings.
Looks like we have the same tulips going on about now!
Once again your flowers are beautiful. I was at wal mart and look though there gardening section didn't pick up anything.
I told my hubby that I would just buy the basic which was a goof thing I sure spent enough.
Wildside, the tulips are quiet things, suddenly bursting into colour and reminding me they're there.
Peppylady, its not good to shop for plants when you are on a budget! I often go over mine....
Again, Claire, I love these photos of your flowers. You sure have a lot of different ones to show us each year. One of my dreams is to come to Scotland one day and visit you and your garden.
On Monday I'm getting a parrot. I'll be birdie sitting it for 3 months, and if I fall in love with it, I'll be keeping it, haha. I'm also getting a cockatiel that a different friend is giving to me. Not sure yet the exact day he'll be moving in here. I have to do some major work to fit all these cages into my living room. I already have several cages in here... 1 with 2 budgie birds, 1 with a rabbit, 3 each with 1 chinchilla and then 1 with 2 chinchillas. So, that's 6 cages so far, with 2 more on the way... sigh.
Oh ya.... I bought 2 mini roses the other day. One at the nursery just across the lake from my place, and one in town at Wal Mart. Both are beautiful. One red, one a bright pink. Will have to take and post some pics of them, I guess, haha.
Alice, what a houseful of animals! look forward to seeing your roses!!
despite the horizontal sleet here, and howling winds of the past 2 days, i haven't given up hope of spring... thanks, largely to your delicious pictures. i'm toasting you over afternoon tea
GF, aarrghh.... sleet.... noooooooo!!!!!!!
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