Tansy walking along the cat path. one of my neighbors kindly came in with his petrol lawn mower and started the grass cutting season off for me. it was too wet and too long for my wee push mower so this should get me going if I keep on top of it when its dry. this is the first cut its had since last September or October and it was badly needed.

Primula Guinevere. a pale coloured single but the interest is in the red stalks and dark coloured leaves. I like her.

drumstick primula, I can't remember if I bought, scrounged or grew these.

this is another one, nice blue colour.

and the rhubarb crown starts to produce some stalks. bags of sugar ready. . . . .
"Cat path" -- I like it!
Yesterday at dinner time we glanced out the window into the garden to see the view and what view we did see but the neighbor's cat furiously digging up the spinach bed I'd just seeded! A simple, lazy dig and toss wouldn't do for her, she had to to the whole area!
And your rhubarb, oh yum! One of my favorites -- none in our garden as yet -- still the only plant I've been successful with is the one growing wild and abandoned in my neighbor's yard. She won't give it back either!!! ;-)
Luckily others have kept our freezer supplied with gifts of it for a little winter treat.
The primula Guinevere looks so sweet - interesting contrasts between the pale flowers and the darker leaves.
Oh, what a treat to see your gorgeous Spring flowers! We're still under snow cover here in Ontario, Canada; we had a total of 413 cm of snow this winter or some such dreadful number. It's definitely milder in the past week, though, so the daffodils and tulips and crocuses and snowdrops will soon show their pretty faces. LOVED seeing your pics in the interim, though. Thank you!
PS. There's an award for you at my place...
Love the cat path. Everything looks lovely! I had Jock cut our lawn a few weeks ago and it needs it again.
He would LOVE a push mower. I need to look for one, he is fascinated with them.
My mouth is watering seeing that rhubarb! Do you make rhubarb pies??
Your place is lovely Claire. My heart sings just seeing photos!
Hello Claire,
I have enjoyed my first visit to your Garden! :) I like the "cat path" ~Also a neat name Your cat has~Tansy..after the plant I'm assuming..:D Love the blue drumstick primula~very pretty!
Congrat's on the award!!
Enjoy the weekend!
it's all looking really good - methinks it's time to nag Spouse into mowing....
Ahhh, spring! Breathing that fresh Scottish air into my lungs as I stroll along your pretty path with Tansy :)
I love your primula Guinevere..and the name too. She's a beauty!
Lovely to see your flowers blooming again, Claire.
Wildside, well the kitties dont like to get their feet wet in the grass and the stones are too hard fo them so they say. .. . .
Katarina, its a nice little primula, and thankyou for the award!!
Randa, well we had an inch of snow on sunday, and then it melted. . .dont envy your snowfall!! it must be beautiful though.
Lowa, rhubarb crumble, or raw dipped in sugar...
Gary, think you are still under snow too?
Catherine, the child is Rosie, the cats are Tansy and Daisy, there once was a Lily... my little flowers....
Frankie, grass cut just in time here, it'll take off if it warms up
Kerri, well the air can get a bit fresh, minus 3 in the greenhouse yesterday, brrr...
I love Tansy!
Parts of the USA are still having snow but we're into spring here in the CA central valley in a big way. We should hit around 32 (C) next week.
Sorry, Ontario - it isn't fair, is it.
Ray's garden is thriving except for one poor cucumber. Nothing like yours of course but it's a start.
Our tomatoes have taken over the yard. Had to replant strawberries r and bell peppers (capsicum to you?).
It's very hot (39C) and dry here - not unusual but we're miserable.
Your post notification came into my mailbox in some strange language. Check and see - you may have some kind of weird glitch.
Granny, thats a spammer, not me, i delte them when I see them, but can't seem to stop him/her/it.
capsicums are in the greenhouse here as its not hot enough outside, we're going between warm rain showers and cold rain showers....mostly warmer than last year though which is good
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