some photographs from spring, these are now amongst the pots in the cold frame with their layer of stones and looking empty, well worth waiting for iris reticulata 'harmony' iris reticulata 'pauline'
Okay Claire I have a question for you and UKBob. When I moved into this house the yard had several lilac bushes that had been let go and never pruned. I took the saw and cut them all about shoulder hieght. Have I messed up? Will they grow back and have leaves let alone flowers? My wife thinks I have destroyed them.
Ramblin, I have a lilac that came from an offshoot of my mothers tree, hers was a well established plant( translate as 'monster'!) that we used to cut virtually to the ground every couple of years. usually books suggest you cut something back by a third per year, leaving some to grow on. in my experiance the lilacs will always grow back.
Gorgeous pictures. I love the colors of these flowers, and have always really liked iris flowers. While I am in a Winter Wonderland it is great to see such a beautiful bit of spring.
Thanks for the info on lilac bushes. I must admit that I have not kept mine pruned so this info is something I can use. Once the weather warms up I hope to get out there and start cutting them back.
Derrick, I'm looking forward to more in the spring, i'm sure i have about four different named ones and a few more that arent. Alice, I love the colours and the contrasts on the petals, I think the lilacs are best cut back at the end of the growing season, and then they send up new growth in the spring.
A lifetime of kind horsemanship, I think we were doing natural horsemanship before it was ''invented''
I have completed Level One with Quantum Savvy Natural Horsemanship.
I am sad I can no longer access the Parelli learning platform, its just too expensive with too many changes.
I've tried some clicker training with good results , but haven't found any one person to wholly agree with. I guess I'll just need to keep trying to see what works
Okay Claire I have a question for you and UKBob. When I moved into this house the yard had several lilac bushes that had been let go and never pruned. I took the saw and cut them all about shoulder hieght. Have I messed up? Will they grow back and have leaves let alone flowers? My wife thinks I have destroyed them.
Ramblin, I have a lilac that came from an offshoot of my mothers tree, hers was a well established plant( translate as 'monster'!) that we used to cut virtually to the ground every couple of years. usually books suggest you cut something back by a third per year, leaving some to grow on. in my experiance the lilacs will always grow back.
beautiful iris - my favorites. . .
Gorgeous pictures. I love the colors of these flowers, and have always really liked iris flowers. While I am in a Winter Wonderland it is great to see such a beautiful bit of spring.
Thanks for the info on lilac bushes. I must admit that I have not kept mine pruned so this info is something I can use. Once the weather warms up I hope to get out there and start cutting them back.
Derrick, I'm looking forward to more in the spring, i'm sure i have about four different named ones and a few more that arent.
Alice, I love the colours and the contrasts on the petals, I think the lilacs are best cut back at the end of the growing season, and then they send up new growth in the spring.
I Found you again! LOL
I had lost your blog for some reason. I have months to catch up on, now. Have to go get a snack first though:)
HOpe all is well with you!
Word verification was down yesterday, so I was blocked out but -
Oh! What a pretty site at the end of November!
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