Loch Barnluasgan at twighlight as we came back from our afternoon walk. We learned tree identification(difficult when they have no leaves!!) and looked at different lichens and mosses typical to old oak forest, we discussed and learned why these trees are where they are(slope, drainage, shelter, soil) and how man has shaped and changed these places; indications show this was a managed area of hazel wood, and other coppiced trees showing insustry and carful useage by the peoples of the past. Also we looked at areas destroyed by modern forestry and how long it will take for those areas to recover, if ever.
All that water I see in your pictures makes me ask; How is the fishing? When I see waters like that I can envision me out catching my share of good fish.
I used to love going to the Crinan Canal.
Love the photos! Especially the last. Yes, ID in winter can be tricky, but if you can, that's when you actually feel like you might know something after all! Perhaps?!
Looks a bit blowy for sure! We paddled for several hours each day with a bit of it in the wind, but mostly we hid in the sheltered areas and shamefully slept in hotels and basked in hot showers!
I drove with hubby to Lochgoilhead twice this past weekend and was upset by what the forestry had done at the turnoff to Hell's Glen- arghh, that used to be a beautiful bit of forest there!
Glad you had the car for cover and learned much- will now know who to ask when l have a query.
Cheerio for the noo :)
looks like a wonderful place to paddle in better conditions. What's worse that chopping down trees is chopping down mountains. When I was a kid there was a beautiful bluff rising out of a river near my home. I remember looking at it every time we'd drive past. Now it's been quarried for gravel. The hill is hole. Amazing what man can do.
brrr, it looks cold.
Looks like a beautiful place to spend the weekend, if a wee bit chilly! Sounds like you learned a lot. Oh, how I love to be near the water, especially if I can smell the sea. Seeing pictures of it makes me miss it :) But I love to see them nevertheless. lovely pictures. Thank you.
looks cold to me. but i like the photos .
Ramblin, I'm not an angler but I think its a popular sport, a lot of people go out in small boats to fish in that area so they must be finding!
Bob, they seem to have part of the canal drained for working on, but I couldn't find out what exactly they were doing. its an amazing canal with all its gates.
Wildside, the difficult part is retaining all the information. I think it was maybe getting too dark at the last, but I loved the way the water was shining.
Michael, well, after a weekend of compost toilet,no running water and a generator only on at total dark(we were using candles mostly) I totally envy your hotels!
Horizon, Ed estimated it takes 5 to 10 years for clearfell to start regenerating with indigenous species, but it does eventually, and faster if it has help, chuck some acorns and hazels out of the window as you drive by? how about a midnight planting expedition?
derrick, I have paddled about there in the most amazing summer weather, clear, calm, also in the fog and rubbish too! lots of tides and races to beware of. I get somewhat confused as to why the human race is so desructive. the world needs Permaculture!!
Dragonfly, it was indeed quite a bit chilly!!
Kerri, I sometimes need to see the sea, central Sotalnd is never far away from it so I can get to it reasonably quickly.
Patsy, think you might be having colder? lets stay inside and play on the computer!!
OOPS!! major typo, for Sotalnd, please read Scotland, I dont know what I thinking, ot not all probably!
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