forecast for this weekend West of Scotland, Force 7, moderate galeforce wind(33mph), near freezing temperatures and scattered showers.

My plans? Sustainable forestry, permaculture,
photographs from a kayaking trip to Loch Quoich in 2004.
Looks good to me... I have to say that because I'm going on a 3 day paddle starting tomorrow and our weather looks about like yours! I wish Derrick would send me over his nice new cag warmer...
Wow, very beautiful Claire!
Mike I must be following you around today. :)
Warm woolen socks and mittens? Don't forget the hat!
That sounds like fun-;) Can see you sleeping in a hat with lots of layers- brave woman!! l think l will stay in and enjoy the family- rotten weather for sure.
Keep well and safe,
i love to kayak also, but . . . brrrrrrrrr !
fabulous pictures. now that i have the harp, the digital camera is competing with a kayak for first place on my wish list... and a long winter's holiday somewhere that i can paddle the whole time.
unbelievable how green your view is... mine is mostly white right now. we have about 1 1/2 feet of snow, and it was -30 degrees yesterday morning.
Looks like a pretty place to see or live by.
Beautiful pictures, Claire. I've enjoyed reading some of your blog.
It's.... green. Sigh. Here it's mottled brown and white. Still, I don't envy you your weekend plans - gives me hypothermia just thinking about it. What a hardy soul!
Saturday - so far so good Claire. I'm all cozy in my Reed outfit, the wind hasn't been too bad and it's a bit warmer (7°C) than we expected. Rain only hit as we left the water. Hope your weekend is going as well - or better!
sound cold to me. love the photos.
brrrr! I laughed at the craziness of your plans, but hey, I walk or run nearly every, no matter the weather. If only my glasses had wipers on them!
You're out of your mind girl! However, the scenery is gorgeous. Lovely pictures! I hope you don't catch pheumonia :( I like to be warm and snug when it's cold outside. I'm a wimp when it comes to cold temps.
Michael, well I had no paddling plans, just learning stuff in good company so really the bad weather would not affect anything(grumpiness factor maybe?)glad you had a good and cosy time out on the water.
Derrick, those pictures were from a good trip, the weather only got bad at the very end.
Wildside, all thermal gear was worn, often in several layers!! and lots of hot drinks and good food to keep me going!
Horizon, I ended up sleeping in the car in two sleeping bags, typical Scottish camping sure enough!
Becky, the weather is such a big part of kayaking happiness! imagine a nice calm day, sun shining. . .
Grannyfiddler, its difficult trying to 'get it all', I've been spreading my purchases out over a few years, kayak is about 9 years old, first digital camera about three years ago, and a lap top this year.
Peppylady, scotland has lots of amazing scenery, and I am thanful I have a car to get to see it.
Alice, thankyou for your kind comment, its nice of you to visit.
Madcap, hardy or daft maybe?
Patsy, thankyou and I wrapped up really warm so still had a fun time.
Kati, home safe and sound I am glad for the time away with good company and now I really, really appreciate my comfy warm bed!!
Kerri, possibly mad but I was in like minded company, didn't even get a chilblain!!
Brrrr, looks really cold.
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