these are two of the buildings from last weekend

this lovely wooden 'hut' is the compost toilet! its built on a slope so you enter the upper part to find one cubicle for pee, one for poo. I think the wet side goes to a soakaway and the solids are removed regularly , they are covered with wood shavings during use. lots of fresh air during use!

this shelter is built from green wood in a traditional crux style, the roof is beautifully done with oak shingles but unfortunatley I did not take a picture. it must be great building to work in during the summer, open and shady, not last week during the wet windy weather!
one of the joints in the building showing a split, its all done with traditional jointing and wooden dowals, no nails!!
I LOVE wooden buildings -- something in my genes. And also for sod roofing. That's on the wishlist, but perhaps not to be...
Very interesting building, Claire, and not at all Scottish looking from the exterior. The wood beam joinery inside looks more like it though. Quite a fancy building for a loo, I'd say!
i would
to visit Scotland someday.
Ive just popped over from UKBobs
love the outdoor Loo never seen anything like it What a good idea a compost toilet.Alot of fresh would surely be the order of the day. I shall return to see more of Scotland.
I love the idea of the loo...
I wish all our campsite one's over here were like that instead of the freaky big holes that they are!
Wildside, they are beautifull buildings, something really appealing about them.
Michael, very attractive for a loo!
Becky, its a nice country but not always weather perfect, beware the midges!
Jeanette, well, I think I'll never forget how much fresh air!!
Crunchy Carpets, really much nicer than having to dig your own, not sure how much the scots would go for it though.
What a fun loo :) Those really are lovely buildings. Sounds like a good time.
Interesting that the roof of the loo has grass growing on it. Is that for insulation?
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I love this picture, but must admit I was disappointed to read it's an outhouse (toilet/loo). I thought it was someones little cabin... sigh. Oh well, it still makes a beautiful picture.
On Vancouver Island, BC Canada, there is a town called Coombs, and they have a big store there that is built of logs and has a sod roof on it. Living on this sod roof is some goats. It's really cool to see.
Kerri, I think they've done the sod roof as an 'eco design' kind of thing to go with the general idea of compost toilet and greenwood building. there's no heating in the loo so not much need for insulation!!
beta-blogger seems to be ok to work with, longer to sign in is the only thing, and having to re-sign in every time you leave a comment.
Alice, it is a very nice looking loo! we did discuss how would you cut the grass? a goat would be a good idea!
Where is this place or is it a secret? I've been looking back through your previous posts and noticed you were in the Crinan canal area. Was it around there? Are compost toilets becoming more common in Scotland? Not seen one myself before. Never thought I'd want to live in s**t house, but that one would suite quite nicely with a few minor alterations. Somewhere I'll have to pay to visit. Sorry!
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