I had a lovely lunch today at Betty's house, home made broccoli soup and garlic bread, yum. A good gardening friend, Betty is very knowlegable and good garden 'do-er'; by which I mean if she sees something in her minds eye she goes out and does it, where I would have another cup of tea and look at it in my minds eye some more. . . .

She has this marvellous chinese style house next to her pond. The pond is in the middle of having its sides made level so it wasn't very photogenic today as it had a large aluminium ladder slap-bang over it.

After our lunch it started with hailstones outside, when they landed in the trough I thought it looked as if she had scattered white stones on the soil.

I have been planting tomato and pepper seeds in the house to sit on widowsills, better germinating in the warm, the greenhouse is still a bit chilly at night although it hasn't been below 0C this week. I have early potato 'Red Duke of York' and maincrop 'Record' ready to go into the other plot, I haven't grown either of these veriety's before. The daffodils are starting to come out in the garden, nice bright yellow to look forward to!
Hmm... That March hail looks pretty familiar!
I think we've had more hail this year than I ever remember. just glad I'm usually inside!
Looks pretty! I actually enjoy hail. Sometimes.
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