These angels are in groups of four at the top of amazing picture windows in Dunblane Cathedral. The buildings were made into a cathedral in the 1300's and were built upon from that time with the most recent being 1889.

I liked this carving of a Lion and Lamb, there are whole rows of these carvings depicting various animals.

I was in Dunblane for the Stirling Rock Garden Show, where I took no photographs as it was quite busy and I didn't want to get in peoples way kneeling on the floor! I admired all the exhibits with some jealousy and bought several plants to ooh and ahh over when I returned home. I bought Erythronium Denis-Canis, Crocus Barrs Purple, Sorbus Reducta, Primula Freedom, Primula Allioni, Snakeshead Fritillary -not all for me, some for presents as its Mothers Day tomorrow so Mother is getting Crocus and Fritillary- and Fiona, being an expectant mother asked for a Mother-To-Be-Day present, which she is getting for the cheek of asking!! probably Erythronium for her then. I had parked near the cathedral so went in for a visit, amazing architecture and stained glass windows. I took photographs of the same things on different settings to see how they came out(the computer displays all this information as you view the photo) its good to get to know the camera a bit better.
THESE PHOTOS ARE SO AMAZINGLY BREATHTAKING! we do not have a lot of this old of buildings in the USA. Thank you so much for sharing these photos with us! I love the windows!!! how old are the windows approximately?
thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i want to see this church in person and have one of my daughter's wedding there!
HomemakerAng, the windows all seem to have been made in th 1900's the earliest I can see is 1901, they are amazing though. Yes I have a camera witha zoom lens now, a Canon C2 IS, I'm still working my way round all its buttons! I will definatly have to visit the cathedral again, if I plan it and have more time, here is their page and virtual tour.
Each time I look at one of your photos, I say, "Wow! That Claire has an amazing talent!" (And mind you, I don't say that lightly -- we've got a professional photographer in the family though I personally lack in this talent category...) Thank you for sharing!
thank you!!! I will check on the link!!!
I was wondering when those windows were made, b/c those angels do have a William-Morrisey look about them. Lovely photos. The lion looks like he's lunching on the lamb though!
Good heavens! Breathtaking photos!
I have missed a lot on your blog, it seems. I don't check for a few days and look at all the wonderful photos I am treated to on my return:)
Stunning, please keep it up! The flowers you purchased sound beautiful!
Yes, as for the comment on my blog, mice and pythons don't mix well. Thankfully her bedroom (where the mice will live) is upstairs and his is downstairs! LOL She is saving up for the little mice, as he saves for his python. Going to be interesting, to say the least!
just beautiful. and I love, " i am fed up with the speed and the greed of the world about me but have not found nor can i offer a cure" I feel the same way. And am just as befuddled.
Got here via Earth Home Garden. I'll be back!
just beautiful. and I love, " i am fed up with the speed and the greed of the world about me but have not found nor can i offer a cure" I feel the same way. And am just as befuddled.
Got here via Earth Home Garden. I'll be back!
Wildside , you are too kind and thankyou.
HomakerAng, you are welcome.
Madcapmum, yes I see the William Morris look now you mention it, I am quite taken with the windows.
Lowa,thankyou and good luck with the animals when they arrive.
Taradharma, thats just how I feel, nice to have you visit.
found your site when looking at fritillary on Google. particularly proud of mine standing 30 inches high in riverside garden here especially when some site said snakes head grow to 40 cm. admittedly my 30 inches is to the seed pod - they always put on an extra inch or two when they set.
went on ferry to Dunoon once - cold
regards from Tom
Tom, thaks for visiting, I love frits, a marvell of nature!
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