this is
Monty Roberts, riding the most beautiful horse in western style. I went to see him last weekend as he was here in Scotland giving a demonstration of his horse calming tecniques.

due to distance and lighting the photos came out with too long an exposure but I like the effect.
YAY! More from Claire...
as we say here in Alberta, "yee-haw!!" (must be shouted, with great feeling, and at a high pitch). yep, thet's one real purdy horse, ma'am.
I used to go to quite a few horse clinic.
i do miss ridiing
Wildside, just need some inspiration!
Grannyfidler, i believe he did shout just that!
peppylady, horses are nice creatures to spend time with.
Hi Claire, sometimes photos come out well despite quirks.I love the photos, a beautiful horse, and the impression of movement.you can still see what you photographed :)
It's nice to see that Monty Roberts rides Western with his horse nicely collected at the canter, so many 'modern' western riders insist on their horses having their heads in that unatural position level with their knees. It certainly is a beautiful horse!
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