this is fairly respectable for an end of season salad. there is not enough for everyday now but I was pleased with this. it contains a funny wee carrot, a shallot, runner beans, sugar-snap peas, oak leaf lettuce, chard, and a green pepper.
ps - that looks like a nice salad! I had some sort of greens from the mesclun-mix flats still growing, and a couple of peppers, and lots of green onions and had hopes for one more nice salad - but the greens got a massive aphid infestation. Ick.
As always, to your salad photos, YUM! I remember your great ability to ID such plants in my wild affair going on here. So impressed, yet! No one but me has been able to do that.
My onions this year are mostly smaller than a dime, quite funny, but the carrots are turning out fabulous! I wonder if it has to do with planting so much garlic last winter? Fewer nasty pests.
Now bringing in a fall harvest of all kinds of things and performing a massive weed out for the chooks (now back in the green house to stay warm and toasty). Then planting the entire garden back to over-wintering garlic and old poppy seed found on the pantry's spice shelf. We'll see what happens there... But I so loved the poppy "field" of last year!
Very respectable! We're hoping to have a coldframe this time next year, and maybe then we'll have something homegrown to show for ourselves in October. Enjoy!
Madcap, wishing you future sucess with your cold frame. there is a good book called 'four season harvest' by eliot coleman, has lots of advice for cooler season growing. Gary, carrots with character!! banned from the supermarket!
Alice, you must be up late and blogging! your comment jsut popped up as I am having my morning coffe before going to work. yes Wildside, we miss your blog!
A lifetime of kind horsemanship, I think we were doing natural horsemanship before it was ''invented''
I have completed Level One with Quantum Savvy Natural Horsemanship.
I am sad I can no longer access the Parelli learning platform, its just too expensive with too many changes.
I've tried some clicker training with good results , but haven't found any one person to wholly agree with. I guess I'll just need to keep trying to see what works
Claire -
please please please please please please PLEASE come visit my blog when you get this!
I think you will like today's post!
ps - that looks like a nice salad! I had some sort of greens from the mesclun-mix flats still growing, and a couple of peppers, and lots of green onions and had hopes for one more nice salad - but the greens got a massive aphid infestation. Ick.
What a funny little carrot!
Hi Claire,
As always, to your salad photos, YUM! I remember your great ability to ID such plants in my wild affair going on here. So impressed, yet! No one but me has been able to do that.
My onions this year are mostly smaller than a dime, quite funny, but the carrots are turning out fabulous! I wonder if it has to do with planting so much garlic last winter? Fewer nasty pests.
Now bringing in a fall harvest of all kinds of things and performing a massive weed out for the chooks (now back in the green house to stay warm and toasty). Then planting the entire garden back to over-wintering garlic and old poppy seed found on the pantry's spice shelf. We'll see what happens there... But I so loved the poppy "field" of last year!
Take care, there!
Bonnie, I love the poem!! fabulous!!
Wildside, ah, your lovely garden and the beautiful flowers and edibles all together. wish I was there!!
Very respectable! We're hoping to have a coldframe this time next year, and maybe then we'll have something homegrown to show for ourselves in October. Enjoy!
(Hi Wildside! Good to see you around!)
The wee carrot looks like it would run away, given a chance. I'm a salad eater too - always with olives, my food addiction...
Madcap, wishing you future sucess with your cold frame. there is a good book called 'four season harvest' by eliot coleman, has lots of advice for cooler season growing.
Gary, carrots with character!! banned from the supermarket!
What a wonderful salad! you just can't beat freshly picked ..anything can you? enjoy!
Matron, I don't know why I grew aubergines, I hate them. . . .except then I tried a fresh one, fab !! wish I had planted more!!
Claire, this does look soooo good. I'll bet you really enjoyed eating it. Hope there's a few more salads in your garden for you yet this year.
Wildside... Hi there. I miss coming to visit you and your blog. I always enjoyed it. Wishing you the best.
Alice, you must be up late and blogging! your comment jsut popped up as I am having my morning coffe before going to work.
yes Wildside, we miss your blog!
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