thankyou very very much to Alice who has nominated me for this award
Brad Egel originally created this award and started the egg rolling to pass the love around.
in turn I would like to nominate
David at Snappy Croc's Garden blog
Ann at Roc Rebel Granny
Matron at Down on the Allotment
Frankie at the Veg Plot
Tara at Silver Apples of the Moon
Primrozie at Prims Place in Spring Valley
Am honoured - thanks!!!
Hi Claire! Mom sure is glad you're happy 'bout the award she sent you. Now I dropped in to say "Whoof" and to let you know I tagged you for a meme thingy. Come see it on my dog blog.
Big Lick!!
Well thank you for thinking of me! I will pass it on Claire.
Thanks Claire for the nod. I will definitely pass it on as soon as I hit this next deadline! :-)
Congrats on your Egel nest award! :)
The Egel Nest
Bradley, I am honoured to have been hatched, and thankyou for starting the egg rolling!
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