not much colour anywhere and its forecast to be frosty tonight again, its not been such a good year for flowers, too wet!

my compost bins are full(again) so as I clear the vegetable beds I am adding it to this pile under a black cover, this is the newest bed so is the one which can use the most 'matter. it should hopefully all degrade enough to be dug in come spring, and I will add a good amount of horse poo to it as well.
What a lovely garden and stone path. I have a stone path in my garden and when it gets wet it reminds me of a river.
Hi Claire - I've not dropped by for a while. You've some fun stuff, bee's wings and veggie omlets come to mind. Good idea for the compost pile too. I'll do the same and see what happens. I wonder about the seeds remaining to weed things up next summer...
What a lovely blog - the photos and the comments. I also appreciate your 'about me' comment. If you do find a cure, let me know!
My life is more in balance by living next to a BC mountain lake now...canoe and coffee is a good way to begin the crazy day...
Your garden still looks pretty even with mostly green. I still have a few lovely glads. Ross planted some in the veggie garden for cutting. I've taken bouquets of them to church for 6 Sundays in a row (they'll be sick of them!). They look good mixed with Obedient plant and Cosmos, among other things.
I love your beautiful path! Compost is lovely stuff :)
What a terrific brick-edged, stone path! Hmmmmm..... I'm being inspired. Wish I had time this fall.
I'm going to have to start a new compost pile as soon as I start cleaning out the gardens for fall - great idea to do it in the new beds...
Terry, I love the stones, I was aiming for 'walking on stony beach' effect, and they go different colours when wet.
Michael, it might not compost down properly, but enough for a veggy bed, and weeds just add to the diversity??
Gary, I'll be there for a coffe and canoe one morning, I was in Nelson in May.
Kerri, nobody ever gets fed up with roses!
TLC, the path took a long time, mostly because i had to save up and buy the stones, but its worth it. and you can never have enough compost!
Claire, your yard appears to be rather large. How much land do you have there?? You sure do a lot of work keeping it all looking so beautiful all the time. I agree with everyone else that this path is gorgeous!
Your path is wonderful - it looks so clean - there isn't a leaf to be seen. My path is covered in leaves and many of the trees are already bare. Somehow flowers continue to grow even though they have been hit by frost.
I hope next summer brings more sunshine to you and your flowers do better!
I love paths. It looks very inviting.
Our weather hasn't changed much. I'm anxiously waiting for autumn! We have way too much heat for the season.
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