leavesa are starting to fall from my lovely little tree

it comes out yellow in the spring and slowly turns to green as the year passes

so where does the red come from?

mother nature's gifts
edit:thankyou to
Sara from Farming Friends for providing the information that
Mark from Green Fingered Photographer will explain all about leaf colour change.
Beautiful photos Claire. And a good question...
I guess it's not an appropriate answer to say, "They turn red because it's so much more stunningly beautiful than brown..."
Enjoy fall.
What beautiful Autumnal leaves. I love to draw Autumn leaves in pastel. Mark at the greenfingered photographer has just done a post about why leaves turn a different colour. Sara from farmingfriends
Gary, I didn't think the photographs showed the colours like they are in real life, its like having a coloured carpet thrown on the grass.
Sara, thanks for that, I've added a link to that now.
Lovely to see leaves from your very own tree, Claire! I can imagine that outdoor "carpet" of yours...
Wildside, I just cut the grass and mowed up my 'carpet'. another one should fall soon.
I was going to tell you why the leaves are red, but I see Sara and Mark have already enlightened you.
The fall colors are gorgeous, aren't they? Ours have reached the spectacular stage after all (I didn't think they were going to) and are looking brilliant right now.
I see you've been busy in the garden (of course!).
Enjoyed your Thankful poem and the meme.
I always cry at weddings too :)
Your salad looks delicious. I'd love to have someone share the cooking!! I don't mind it, but I'd rather be doing something else a good share of the time.
Hi Claire. The leaves here are also beautifully colorful everywhere you look, and falling to make carpets all over the place. It's difficult to drive far without seeing a colorful carpet on the ground somewhere.
I send you good wishes.
All of trees are in different stages of turning colors.
meanwhile, north of sanity, only the die-hard non-conformists among the leaves remain on our trees. our world is a study in gentle golden umbers and ocres, under a sky that ranges from clearest, deepest saphire to sulky grey.
The first photo is my favourite; the leaf on a background of brick and stone. A bit gothic. Very nice.
Hi Claire, Hope all is going well for you -- or at least well enough. Crazed addict & wee hour insomniac, I keep checking here for your latest photo! (Might as well admit it, after all!) But best give computer a break for awhile...
Kerri, it must be beautiful where you are just now, out in the country with so many trees.
Alice, i always look at the 'carpets' and think of compost!
Peppylady, isn't it amazing all the colours the trees turn? and how some loose their leaves so early and some hang on for along time.
Grannyfiddler, your weather and your prose are so dramatic, quite different from the wishy washy wet we have here.
Madcap, thankyou, I photographed the leaves where they had fallen so its nature being gothic.
Wildside, I am well! photo posted for you!!
hope you don't mind... i've borrowed the nature goth one for my desktop today. did you notice the wee bit of condensation to the left of centre on the leaf, with the light shining through it...? th whole photo is a marvelous study in texture and color and light.
i toast you, your garden, and your beautiful blogsite over my morning cuppa.
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