geranium phaeum


a bee trying to get inside the monarda flower which hasn't even opened yet!

another geranium pheaum, and not sure of spelling!

my sycamore tree is bursting into bright leaf,

and the little horse chesnut,

I have decide this is Primula Cashmeriana, due to its twisting and bloom as mentioned in the big book of descriptions , apparently you'd have to get it dna tested to be sure. . .


and again in white

azelea, or small rhodo? its called mcgordon or cunningham something, will have to look it up too!
I have horse chestnut growing in pots at the moment and thought this was unusual but I see that you are growing one too!
Sara from farmingfriends in Yorkshire
sara, the horse chestnut was a 'weed' in the middle of a veggy bed, so I take it some nice children threw in a conker as there are none about here. its not a weed in the right place though so I am looking for a good farming home for it!
What a good idea. We have been growing our horse chestnuts so that we can replace any hedgerow trees that have died and fill in any gaps in our hedgerows. It's a shame we live so far away or we could have given it a good home!
Sara from farmingfriends in Yorkshire
All Beautiful
your flower photos are much appreciated by me.
You have a lot of lovely blooms Claire. The dodecatheons are a fascinating shape! And so is the primula. Amazing! Where in the world do you get these unusual plants? I like the geranium phaeum too.
The yellow azalea is so pretty.
Funny busy bee..it can't wait!
The rhododendron is a lovely color too.
Spring is bursting out all over!
Claire, I love that bee, its so eager its not even waiting for the flower to open.I am amazed you have grown horse chestnut too.You do have a unique selection of plants, very colourfull.
Peepylady, Patsy, Kerri and David, thankyou all! I just love this time of year when things start to brighten up so much after winter.
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