I went to my Dad's house in Alyth on Friday night. This is the view from the front of the house.
He has his flagpole out front, a Northumbrian flag for himself, a Saltire for Rosie and I visiting, and a St george for my sister, due to arrive.
Close up of a hand painted fruit bowl.
And Obbie, she is 12 now.
Loch Barnluasgan at twighlight as we came back from our afternoon walk. We learned tree identification(difficult when they have no leaves!!) and looked at different lichens and mosses typical to old oak forest, we discussed and learned why these trees are where they are(slope, drainage, shelter, soil) and how man has shaped and changed these places; indications show this was a managed area of hazel wood, and other coppiced trees showing insustry and carful useage by the peoples of the past. Also we looked at areas destroyed by modern forestry and how long it will take for those areas to recover, if ever.
new backrest fitted, thankyou Forbes!! it has been fitted 'upside down' but I need it that way as its an ocean cockpit(wee) and I have to slide in off the back deck(big bum!)
I recently took the kayak to work, put it down in the car park and sat in it while one of the chiropractors stuck her hand down the back of my trousers to see what the old backrest(a 2" web strap) was doing. You need not get embarassed easily!! She decided it pressed too hard onto two particular vertabrae and was a large part of the 'sore back' thing that was happening at that time. The new backrest covers a much larger area(that'll be the big bum again) and is quite padded so its spreading the 'load'. I found it very comfortable today, I paddled by myself( which I dont usually do) along the splash(big wall along the esplanade in Greenock) and back, enough for a stretch and some fresh air. Very nice it was too.
No friends available to paddle with as they have all gone off to Loch Etive for the weekend, I have to stay at home as Kirsty's wee girl Kelsey is being christened tomorrow. I have been 'booked' to take lots of pictures so I better get my batteries and spares on charge before I forget.