just opened dahlia, patterns in nature.

the pumpkins are turning orange , the leaves have all died back but the stalks leading to them are sitll green and strong. the nastursiums are growing all through that patch now.

tall sweet corn with beans growing up them. unfortunatley no cobs though.
Hi Claire!
It's incredible the things you've got planted in that garden of yours! Fun to see your pumpkins yellowing up nicely. Ours are a bit behind yours are are still mostly green. Our corn is coming along but not quite ready. We been eating some from our neighbouring farms - Yum!
I can't wait for our Fall apples to be ready in a few weeks. There're always a real treat at this time of year. I just love to hear the 'crack' as you bite into them!
Michael, I have never grown pumpkins before so I am pleased with them. this is the third year I have grown sweet corn and I have never had a cob yet.
I have just had a couple of apples straight from my friends tree, so full of flavor, unlike the shop bought ones.
We had our worst corn year ever...too much rain. Our early corn was so short the crows could stand on the ground and eat the kernels off the cobs (they ate a lot...we had only 4 meals!). The Silver Queen (late corn) didn't form ears. That hasn't happened as long as my hubby can remember, in all his years of growing corn.
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