these three dahlia's each have a bee on them. I must make a note to plant these next year, their late flowering has really filled in a gap for the bees, the sedums are just starting to come out too.

the biggest bee, on the bottom flower, I think I can see myself relected in its eye.
And bees love you! That borage in the background is just lovely too...
Reminds me of the bee picture I took when I went to see the corpse flower. Made me slow down & wait for them to come to where I was, so as not to give them cause for alarm. Always a good thing for a city dweller, being made to slow down & do something at a not-so-rushed pace.
That's a wonderful close-up & a very handsome bee.
Thanks so much for the good wishes today. I've gotten storage with access at a really nice club on Jamaica Bay, which is also really nice. The only hitch is that I haven't figured out how I can get there without getting a ride from someone else, public transportation gets a little sparse out that way.
Will it work this time? Darn Beta...
I like bees too. Especially the big fat ones like in the second picture.
Hi Claire! Hi Bonnie!
Such a sweet group of pictures! And I think you're right, Claire, you're definitely in a bee's eye! ;-)
Yep, nice pictures.
Wildside, the bees love the flowers, and really like the borage, its everywhere, self seeding.
Bonnie, thanks for you rnice comments, glad you found storage, hope the transport works out.
Madcapmum, is it being funny because I am still the old style blogger? am too scared to change!
Michael, hi to you! the things the camera picks up, I had never seen a bees eye till I took a close up picture, amazing digital!
Derrick, thankyou! no kayaking ones, didn't get out last night.
Chubby little bee, so cute.
I like your blog. Thanks for sharing.
the sad truth is we wont the roosters , dicussed me that the one child i have with me wont eat them. i give them to my neighbor, who is a mexican national and they have seven children. thoes kids will eat them. i love your flower photos.
oh such beautiful yellow dahlias.
You like bees I like bees you should view my "Silver wings" post now that was a beauty!
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