this is a photograph of the vegetable garden from a neighbors upstairs window, across the road. just on the left is the shed and on the right is the greenhouse. it looks a lot smaller from up there! I have another neighbor to ask if I can take one of the other part of the garden, there is still 'construction ' going on so it may not be a great photo, the path is ready to get its stones now but I have to wait to see how much the car will cost to fix before spending any money. I have started some new beds, origionally I thought I would put some fruit bushes there but its too windy and I will move some of the shrubs from beside where you see the green compost bin, and put the fruiting stuff in there.

red tinge on the dahlia, they are totally covered in bees this morning.
I love the overview! We have a second storey, but the windows are so shamefully dirty that I can't take a picture through them!
the garden looded great from the up stairs shot. i could see how many plant you have.
oh god i can't type , should be looked in stead of looded
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