the car has returned from the garage, its had two electrical 'thingmys' replaced and they said they 'hoped' this would solve it, I hope so too! I tried to pay for it with my new visa card which embarrasingly wouldn't work, luckily I had my bank card with me too so I paid for it with that, not sure if the bank account will stand up to that kind of abuse. The visa card people have no explanation as to why it didn't work and they want me to go and try it again to see, does this mean I have to keep shopping? I think I am too traumatised by todays expenditure to venture near any shops!!
Those bees look
s w e e t
enough to kiss . . . but better not, huh.
Hilarious! They want you go "try it out"!
I'm a sucker for anything called "Strawberries and Cream".
Yummy Aster ! I've got dahlias that colour and the bees go for them too. Thx 4 the 'comments' advice.
Sorry about your car, your card and all... Frustrating!
Was going to say something, forgot already, but nothing profound...
I like the strawberries and creem Sedum.
Becky, I wouldn't try it!
Madcap, they want me to spend all their money and be in debt to them for a lifetime, thats how they are trained!?!
Green Lung, I haven't any dahlias that shade, that would be nice.
Wildside, hopefully the car is going to stay fine for a good long while now. I just could do without the worry.
UKBob, thanks, I am glad the bees like it too, it looks kind of washed out beside the red one but I am always tempted by something 'different'
Hi! I always appreciate your comments on my paddling blog, and though I don't often comment on yours, I visit regularly and enjoy the photos immensely.
I just posted some of butterflies that I took, they are on a separate blog at http://photo-misc.blogspot.com. They reminded me of what I often see here, so I wanted to drop a line about them in case you get a chance to drop by.
Claire, fun to see those corn cobs! We just began eating our corn. It's late and small this year as we've had too much rain and cloud all summer. :-(
Peggy, thanks, I'm just going to link in to see your butterflys
Michael, I have never managed to grow a cob before, I'd be pleased and surprised if it matures into anything edible!
great photos as ever. the flowers are very pretty. i love your cat.
Great job with the close-ups. Bees are fun to photograph. Most of mine moved a little too quickly for me this summer, but I did take a pic of a very large bee-like creature the other day. I think it might've been a giant wasp (found something like it on 'What's that bug?"
My hubby planted both orange and white pumpkins this year. There are a few whites. Not sure if there's any orange. The rain has drowned a lot of vege plants and seeds this year.
Cute doggie :)
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