very enthusiastic giant pumkin
perhaps it can have a bigger plot next year
also beans about to grow along the washing line
and at last tomatoes! I have eaten the very reddest one, very nice too!
I have sown more basil, lettuce and spinach today.
I envy you your veggies and gourds, especially those tomatos.
Thanks for the comment today.
Oh, Claire, my mouth does water and your garden gives me hope! Yours is a bit further along than mine -- pumpkin & squash here still in bloom, tomatoes very green.
Your brick circles and path are coming along very nicely too, I see from the top photo... You have a good eye for design, it seems.
What a lovely bunch of photos - and I'm sure you have a lovely bunch of tastes in store.
Oh looks so yummy
Granny, I am looking forward to pumpkin, never grown it before, think my comment is well deserved, your amazing!!
Wildside, the rest of the path is still not finished, there is a butternut squash that has not even bloomed yet, the giant pumpkin seems very happy!
Annie, nice way of putting it!
Peppylady, tomatoes are yummy, I have been impatiently waiting for them to ripen.
I was strong and resisted the urge to plant pumpkin seeds in my little garden this year. But I'm very envious! I love the lush greenery of them.
Madcapmum, I didn't know it would get so big!
Oho, Pumpkins.I have not one this year!
My giant pumpkins just kinda went :P
Sigrun, I am anticipating stuffed or roasted pumpkin, and one for halloween would be good, this is the first time I have grown one.
Dragonfly, do you mean they havent grown, thats a shame, I bought this one as a little plant at the garden centre, just for fun, so I dont take credit for its good start, but it seems to like the rhubarb patch!
My hubby was looking at your pictures and saw the beans on the clothesline. He wanted to do that with ours. I strongly discouraged him! :) Your tommy toes look delicious. I can't wait for our first ripe one.
What recipes do you use your basil in?
Have you tried buttercup squash? It's my favourite.
We don't have ANY zucchini yet this year! Can you believe it? The garden has been SO wet and only a couple of zuc seeds have germinated...and promptly been eaten by slugs. Nasty things. On a brighter note, I picked our first yellow summer squash yesterday.
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