A photograph of the greenhouse when it was 'new to me', oct '04. It seems to feature a lot in my blog and that is because I think its great!! Also it is easy to lean out of the door and take its picture!
Greenhouse temp at 0C last night, baby onions(they look like blades of grass) are covered at night time and left open during the day. The lid of my small coldframe has broken under the weight of snow, it is plastic, so the two bits are only half covering the remaining plants. The cold frame will need to be emptied and the lid fixed for when stuff needs potted on from the greenhouse. I had a lot of garden pots sheltering in the greenhouse so they are being decanted outside and covered with fleece.
seeds planted this month so far are ;;
Herbs;; Basil, Parsley, Dill, Coriander, Chervil, Cat-nip
Vegetables;; Rocket, Lollo Rosso, Broad Bean, Butternut Squash, Broccolli and Calabrese, Cabage, Cauliflower, Spinach
Flowers;; Erythronium, Dodecatheon, Cerinthe Major and Minor, Viola, Anemone, Dianthus, Scizanthus, Aquilega and loads of Sweet Peas .
Lots of seeds still to plant but I like to plant a lot of stuff straight in. I am re-using plant labels and a lot of last years dates(when I plant something I put the name and date on) are end of April. Also still to get potatoes, they were put into the other garden last April and it is more sheltered than here, I might use it for potatoes again this year but that is not good rotation management!