My morning wander round the garden found, at last, snowdrops flowering. They are under the hedge against the fence and must have bit more shelter there, also be drier and less likely to be disturbed(by me, weeding!)

This lovely Iris reticulata, Katherine Hodkins, is flowering away in the cold frame. I think I'll put it out into the greenhouse so I can see it as I walk by. This is a bulb which is destined for my spring flowering trough, the one I can see in my minds eye. . .
My gardening friend Billy has just been down for a chat, he is starting his seed planting today with courgettes and peppers on the windowsill of their house. He will put these out into a heated green house when they get potted on. I don't heat my greenhouse so I don't start as early.
First flowers in bloom, YAY! Gives me hope that soon they will be here as well! Thanks, Claire!
Those are just lovely.
I notice that you're in the Campsie Fells, is that near Kirkintilloch? That's where my dad grew up.
madcapmum, yes I work in Kirkintilloch, I lived there when Rosie was little, so about 10 years ago. this is the local government site you might find interesting.
We had a few snowdrops blooming here on Feb. 2 but they are under snow now. Probably a good thing as the temperature dropped to -6 last night. Maybe, with the snow protection, the snowdrops will survive.
I need to find a map of Scotland. I have no idea where you are. I've been to Glasgow, Edinbourgh (sp?) and hiking near, and on, Ben Nevis but I really don't know Scotland that well.
so lovely. snowdrops are on my list of 'must have' plants for the garden. irises too.
my geraniums were still blooming in their pots by the window till last week, when i cut them down. the lack of light in winter makes them very gangly and straggly. i'll try to sprout the cuttings, but never have much luck with them.
grannyfiddler, I wait with baited breath for the snowdrops to come out!, I love them.
ontario wanderer, I am not far from Glasgow, nearest tourist tour is probably Loch Lomond, I paddle there wuite often.
Wildside, where are you?
Our snowdrops are just opening here in Alloa, but they aren't sheltered like yours. I'm trying to resist the urge to sow a load of seeds, there's bound to be a few sharp frosts yet!
dan and rosemary, I thought Alloa would be fairly sheltered?
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