Honestly, these are buzzards, one obligingly flew in close enough to appear as a black dot, in the other photograph there are three black specks right in the middle against the clouds. I took these photographs in Kilmartin at the weekend while we all stood in awe at these beautiful birds. So I'm sorry you cant see them too!
no offense but if you get real close to these buzzard guys, you won't feel so bad you could not seem them closer! THEY ARE scary looking in my neck of the woods! :)
its just that they are so rare here, this is 140 miles from where I live and the only sighting we had of them, I am going back up there in a month so might try to borrow a camera with a better zoom
Cool! have fun, i am sure it is a sight, I wish they were rare here :) btw, the dog is a whimp, so yes it was a joke about her :)
i have been enjoying your gorgeous photos also of the outdoors!
i love the buzzard photo. whenever i take a picture of a bird in flight, that's pretty much what i get--a speck!
all the lovely pix on your site make me want a digital camera VERY badly. keep 'em coming!
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