on the subject of what you wear when you're cold. . . after paddling the kayak over to and round Cumbrae in the rain, deciding the weather wasn't playing safe and getting the ferry back from the island; I was totally soaked through and changed into the 'emergency' kit I keep in the boat. . . thermal leggins and t-shirt, fleece socks, pertex /pile jumper, and of course the marvellous fleecy hat. I am drinking a nice cup of hot-chocolate made by a kind friend who then took this photograph.
so, on the subject of what you wear when you're cold I would have to vote for ANYTHING. ha
That's what I'm missing - the hot chocolate! Thanks for the reminder. You're a good sport, Claire!
Sheepskin slippers! Definitely...
Now that's a nice smile that would warm even the coolest of hearts... ;-)
the pink-red-orange combo really does it for me. (yes, i'm including the couch!)
Claire, how do you do your where people are visiting map? (Could you tell me in the comments over at my blog sometime?) That is a very neato feature you have there!!!
You would make a cute Garden Gnome Claire and the colors in this picture remind me of the gnomes on the colorized cover of George Harrison's remastered re-issued All Things Must Pass CD. The gnomes are wearing pinkish hats and purplish coats. You look warm & cozy there with your hot chocolate!
truly though I hadn't been aware of the garden gnome look till I was sent the photograph, I had been wandering round in public dressed like this before getting to Fiona's house, I had even been in the pub where somebody had said 'are you not going to take off your hat' and I had said 'no i'm too cold'. see although I was aware I was not dressed up for a grand occasion nobody told me I looked like a gnome, ha.
Claire, just dropped by to say thanks for the map counter tip. I replied to you at my blog, but then never sure if you'd see the thank you there, so came here! Gnome or not, it's good to stay warm! (I like your gnome look...)
That is so cute! You Really do look like a happy little gnome:)
Kayaking?? WOW! That is impressive also.
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