Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Garden Sales Company

just discovered this company. saving to remember to go back and have a good look at all the information they have freely available. you never know everything, no matter how long you have been gardening. 

I've had a look at their raised bed kits. and considering the price of wood I think they are a good price for what you get... I'm putting one on my 'never ending wish list'.......


WILDSIDE said...

for extending garden beds, i'm using sod this year? (always lots of it to dig up here...) makes me wonder about living in a "soddy"! early housing for forebears. a hole in the ground with a sod roof? sounds damp and cold.

thank you for the bday card -- i'm sorry i can never remember yours! but do appreciate hearing from you none-the-less! and hope all goes well there.

WILDSIDE said...

p.s. info freely available? yes! (but not yet... too much to do... & ponder? but yet, this is for you.)

grateful for many things. i am grateful for you.