I love all the varietys of daffodils and colours and forms, sure they must have names but I am a great loser of labels. there is so much weeding to catch up on in the flower beds, it never got done last year, when I had time the weather was not too great and when it was nice I played with Abbey instead......I have decided to do it in ten minute chunks, then I won't get fed up or too sore and it should all get done eventually. ten minutes done today.

raindrops caught on the leaves of an aquilegia, it was a lovely day, with a couple of short showers

emerging rhubarb, its not very sweet so this may get replaced if I can discover a nicer one.

prime ratter to fat housecat...still in bed!!
LOL! Too cute -- still in bed! Perhaps I should be too. Think I'll go home now, but wishing you more lovely time out in the garden soon!
Wildside, hi!! guessing you're up early?
I clicked on your blog to see what gardens are doing in Scotland. They are doing the same thing mine are, just coming back to life. I was surprised about that, I am from the cold, northeast United States. I have ancestors from Scotland, as I discovered while researching my family history.
hey Bonnie, you'll need to research your tartan...its been very cold here, usually things are a wee bit further on than this.
I have researched it - Stewart of Appin. I have a winter scarf of our plaid. Someday, I hope to travel to Scotland. I have a cousin who has been over there. If he goes again, I might join him.
I'm sorry to hear about your friend. I have a very close gardening friend who has been battling cancer all winter. I've offered to do her spring cleanup if she's not up to it but her last report was that she's in remission. So, as we all know - getting out in her garden will be the best thing for her.
Try the rhubarb variety ,Victoria,It's a nice one.I have it in my garden.Maureen
cheers Maureen, I'll look out for that one.
Great photos again and I recognise some of those tubs, Claire! Glad they are enjoying life as recycled planters.
The video of Abbey and Buttons is wonderful, so good to see them so happy and healthy. x
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