the days get longer and more welcome colour appears. when it was bitterly cold weather it did not seem so bad as the sun was shining. now the rain and wind are turning our higher temperatures (8 C) into a damp, cold, miserable spring time.

these little daffodils are about 6 inches high, very dainty and out earlier than the bigger varieties.

dinky little things.

and the hellebores have flowered, they looked practically dead with no buds but have very quicly responded to the rise in temperature.

funny how hellebores always nod their heads down ways, turning them up shows such beauty.

nothing much doing outside in the veggy plots, they wer turned over and covered in home compost at the end of last year, just this front one to finish off. I kept aggravating my back so did a little at a time, it all gets done eventually.

onions coming up in the greenhouse.

good germination from a three year old packet of brussels sprout seeds, I sprinkled the whole lot out so lots of pinching out to do here, I'll wait till they are a wee bit bigger and then add the pinched ones to the top of a salad...waste not want not. the greenhouse temperature gauge showed 0C to 24C, what a difference for the poor wee things to have to cope with, wish I had auto windows, or didn't have to work and I could stay home and open and close the door as necessary.
It amazing how things bloom all over the world. It even amazing from one area to anther how things do change. I notice from one bed to anther things are at different rate.
My daffodils by the house are in bud.
Coffee is on.
Yes, it is a worry this time of year when the nights are still so cold and daytime in the greenhouse gets rather warm. Still, it's lovely to see little seedlings started.
Glad to see spring is springing in your garden, Claire. Your weather sounds like ours. We had glorious sunshine and warmth a week and a half ago, and now back to frigid wind and tonight we have cold rain. Miserable indeed!
However, we do have crocus and snowdrops in the garden and the daff buds are about to burst open.
Your little daffys are gorgeous and I wish I had your hellebores. Love the iris reticulatas too. What a colour!
Our house kitties get fat over the winter too :)
I have a niggeldy back too and have to watch it. Have you tried a garden hopper (little seat with wheels). I find mine is the best thing since sliced bread for my back.
Happy spring!
re peppylady's comment - so true. The daffodils in front of my apartment are close to done blooming - the daffodils in my garden plot in Canarsie are just coming up. The plot is at the canoe club, the canoe club is by the water & it's always cooler out there.
Last frost isn't until April but I think I might put some seeds in the bed this weekend anyways.
look at your vegetable plots? and a greenhouse?
i planted two tomatoes in pots a week ago. now it might freeze, so i put them under a blooming lilac bush for protection. i don't know if that will work. my other choice was to bring them indoors, bugs and all.
i don't know how gardeners do it.
in the summer, i wait until my tomatoes droop. then i know it is time to water them.
"it all gets done eventually"
A good reminder that bit by bit it does indeed!
Nice to visit your place today, Claire...
i just planted some seeds indoors today, for bedding plants.... many weeks from now. everything still freezes to a block of ice overnight here still. it felt so good to get my hands in the earth... even if it was only potting soil. your little green babies are a welcome sight!
Lovely Claire. I so loved the daffies when I visited Scotland. Your garden looks well cared for. Enjoy!
I had a weeding blitz last week on one of the few 'warm' days so far this year. I like your separate veg plots - my garden isn't big enough to do anything like that.
Dora, you're quite right, even here from place to place I notice the daffodils coming out at different times.
Matron, they will have to cope, poor little seedlings, my greenhouse has always been the same and it works out ok most of the time.
Kerri, I have nice little kneeler with handles to push yourself back up, very useful for weeding...
Bonnie, no harm in being early and enthusiastic, I will replant later if stuff doesn't work now.
Seraphine, good luck!! there is no such thing as a 'cruelty to tomatoes' group, as far as I know...
Wildside, greetings!! bit by bit, its the only way!
GF, good luck with your seeds, i have started tomatoes in the house, too tender for the greenhouse just now.
Gary, photos very deceptive, weeds galore!!
JC, its a small garden, just busy!
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