very unkempt garden awaiting much weeding.......little splashes of colour appear..

these are so beautiful, I always forget they are there until they appear...

Smokey Tiptoes, camoflage against the stones, she's getting fat! from prime ratter to fat house cat in one change of owner.....

the crocus are another splash of colour, there are a couple of groups of these, mostly I plant crocus and they are never seen again....my Mum gave me these bulbs.

and the Snow Flakes come out in their little hidden spot, right between the rowan and the compost bin.
Gorgeous splashes of colour ... the iris is just so stunning! These are plants that can never grow here, so I really enjoy photos like these!
It's nice to see that Spring has sprung for you.
Bernie, the spring iris are very hardy, things have to be hardy to survive in my garden!
i had to come by for a reminder of spring. we had over 4 inches of snow last night. and the temps are plummeting. the poor little pussy willows are mewling pathetically for their mummies. ...i feel the same way. your spring bulbs are spectacular. i think i'll survive now till the white horror melts.
Happy fat cat... and lovely flowers. I miss Scotland!
Oh, wow! Those are so good to see!
Nothing in bloom here yet, but wait, the wild trilliums in the woods are... Indian plum, salmon berry... Got to love the native plants for their early celebrations!
GF, hopefully no more snow here or for you! an old saying...March winds and April showers bring forth May flowers....its hard waiting though!
Gary, well don't miss it! come visit!
Wildside, in no time at all you will have your garden blooming with many different things, and gladly have space for the wild things too.
This seems a much more reasonable time for early spring things to be blooming. We've been so crazy-warm for nearly a month and a half this year that I'm nearly tempted to plant tomatoes now! (but that would assure us an immediate return to winter weather - and freeze all the enthusiastically blooming fruit trees out there...)
As always, beautiful photos!
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