the late afternoon sun creates a magical colour

this windswept tree still retaining a few leaves

as much zoom as I can get into the field behind, it was covered in Canada Geese. I had been hearing them all afternoon but hadn't seen where they were, I am taking these photgraphs from the high vantage of the stable muck-out trailer.
You have Canada geese in Scotland?
I didn't know they went there.
Loved the horse-eye pictures. I should go riding one of these weekends. Getting harder to ride in the city these days, one famous old stable near Central Park shut down, the one near Prospect Park lost an entire barn to developers, and although I've loved the idea of riding the Jamaica Bay shoreline I keep hearing rumours that the people who run the stables out there are mean (at least to people - nobody says they don't take care of their horses).
I'm of two minds about the dwindling options - although the people at the Claremont and at Kensington Stables are (were, for the Claremont) good people (I've spent enough time at both places to vouch for that) and the horses are well cared for, there's just so little room, no turning-out to pasture...
But at the same time, I do love having at least a tiny bit of access to horses.
I was a horse-crazy kid & I never outgrew it.
Bonnie, your comment came in just as I was reading your blog and looking at your Schooner Anne slideshow, nice pictures.
its very nice to get riding so often here, big thanks to Barbara-Anne and Dave for allowing me to ride Robbie every week. its a virus, girl pats horse, girl falls in love with horse. no known cure.
What glorious pictures! The colours are gorgeous. I just love the golden light from the afternoon sun. You must have some strong winds there! The weatherman is predicting some for us, along with the rain and snow during the next few days. It doesn't sound nice at all.
I've enjoyed catching up with you Claire. Have a good weekend!
Love the trees! ;-)
I seem to be jinxed when I leave a comment here -- so sorry about the deletion (it had an 'old' sentence from posting at a friend's site just now).
How coincidental that I come and see the lovely photo with the perfect light (I mentioned it in today's post on my own blog).
Do the Geese spend the entire winter or are they still migrating and passing through?
I hope you don’t mind (I won’t do it again), I've tagged you in the meme Nancy Bond passed along to me. :) I hope you'll play along as I'm sure your answers would be interesting!
have your canada geese learned to roll their 'r's?
i love that soft golden light in the autumn...
so bonsai originated in scotland, not in japan? ;0)
Kerri, the colour was beautiful, just had to get the camera out! thankyou for al your kind comments!
Wildside, they're very appealing, and windswept!
Diane, i'll have a go at your meme.
Grannyfiddler, the japanese come here on holiday for inspiration.
Claire - what beautiful lighting and photos! I spent a few weeks in Scotland in April a couple of years back. I was completely smitten. I knew it would be lovely, but I was surprised at how much I was drawn to the people as well.
Gary, I like to holiday in Scotland myself. if the weather is right its very beautiful. have only left shores twice, once for Canada/America, once for Italy. I have been to Ireland and Wales once each and a few visits to England. no brave adventurer here!
Ahhh Claire, again such beautiful photos. I wish I could come visit you in Scotland and see your gorgeous country for myself. What a great experience that would be. I am surprised to see Canada Geese over there. Did you take them home with you when you visited Canada this past spring? haha.
I sometimes like to try making words from the word verification. Tonight the letters are: copylhr. Maybe it's the way pirates pronounce 'copy'? lol.
Alice, making up a spare bed!
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