a spider bravely defends the greenhouse doorway

a little chamomile, surviving in the greenhouse

this fennel never made it out to the garden, its scenting the greenhouse quite nicely

and the last of the marigolds

I haven't the heart to throw them out while they're still flowering

out in the garden there is a pink monarda

and a blue one, just a few cheery flowers


and on the doorstep a pink geranium

and a red one, they won't last much longer in the cold
Beautiful flowers yet...
I don't believe in seen a monarda before
Wildside, its heartening to see a few flowers
Peppylady, its known as Bee-Balm, in the summer the bees are all over it.
My monarda gave up this year - due to powdery mildew. (ick!)
My fennel did great however - it's about 9 feet tall and was covered with heavy umbels of seeds. They smelled so good when ever it rained. I cut most of them to dry - and they smell not at all now...drat.
Don't you love those last brave hangers on? Lovely photos Claire. I"ve really appreciated the little bits of late color a few flowers have given us this fall. A bit of snow is forecast for the next few days, so it looks like we can kiss the warmer weather goodbye. It's too bad...we've been spoilt...but then I'm never ready for the snow and cold.
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