in flower today: lobelia, liatris, nicotanis, aster, poppy, goats-rue, stocks, lavendar, wode, roses, gladioli, geranium, lavetera, lupins, sidalcea, borage, persicaria, delphiniums, sedum, f0xglove, linaria, vinca minor, gailarda, lychnis, carnation, ageratum, marigold, hosta, monarda, sweet-pea.
harvesting: peas, beans, mangetout, lettuce, cucumbe, tomatoes, leeks, onions, turnips, carrots, cabbage, kale, courgettes, chard.
The viola is particularly beautiful. What alot of lovely flowers.
Sara from farmingfriends
I really want to grow some red salvia! Yours is so pretty.
Cosmos is another favourite. The cats like to play in mine and are breaking it to pieces....beasts!
We had hardly any pumpkins last year in the wet.
You have plants I've never heard of! Wode? Persicaria? Sidalcea? I'll have to get out my plant encyclopedia.
We have zucchini coming out our ears! And cukes too! Eating sweet corn now and it tastes sooooo good! And pole beans.
i'm having my morning cuppa in your garden... vicariously, of course. it's a shame to have to go 'back' to the office. it was cold enough to see my breath this morning, as i pedalled my bike to work. it didn't quite freeze, but came far too close. your pumpkins may be losing their babies because they're not being pollinated. if there aren't enough insect pollinators, or they don't seem to be doing the job, i use a Q-tip swab, and pollinate them myself... don't know if they're sold in Scotland.... a wee stick the length of your baby finger, with cotton batting on either end.
The lobelia looks gorgeous ... I have one in my garden which I doubt will flower before the first frost. What is wode?
You have a wonderful selection of flowers ... your garden must smell wonderful at night.
Sara, thankyou , its been difficult getting enthusiam up to get out into the garden in-between rain showers!
Kerri, loks like no sweet corn here this year, last year was the first time I ever got cobs, it was much warmer last year.
Grannyfiddler, I dont think its the pollination,I think its the cold and the wet and the slugs! no chemicals in my garden so they get a lot of opportunitys!!
Kate, sorry its actually 'woad, spelling not up to much these days. you can find it here
i loved the fact the cosmo found it's way through the bushes.. I love flowers that are strong willed like that..
Hiya Claire- feel for you and the rain just now- was refreshing my hanging baskets the other day between showers- what a nightmare. Can imagine your garden in flower though- my neighbour has loads of marigolds out at the moment too- a bit of sunshine on a cloudy day.
What can l say Claire- your blog below about ‘random facts’ really made me smile! And the post below that again made me giggle- funny classic riding seat description!
Love the garden stuff on your cooker- l know we’d get along- shall l put on the kettle? As for the horse poo and all organic- totally agree; as for the veg. only diet for 25years- are you allowed booze to wash it down?
Nominated you for an award today- wish it had been the ‘funny matters award’ though.
Bests for now,
Ps- really nice to see a pics of you too :)
DF, plants that look after themselves are very welcome here. especially this summer!!
Horizon, thankyou very much! and the diet includes alcohol, currently a margarita.
What a lovely list of blooming/harvesting things... It's been such a cool,wet summer here as well that my harvests (after the raspberries were done) have been very modest. And what a year for powdery mildew! argh.
TLC, theres some powdery mildew on suceptible plants, not too bad though. and I use a general prupose organic seaweed fertiliser, liquid for in the greenhouse/pots and powder for the veg plot. the flower garden gets very little apart from manure.
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