on one side of the bridge all is calm

on the other it races away.

a wee red coo peeking over the hill

the view

a robin takes flight just as I press the shutter

bird of prey, just before it flew away

this lichen, growing on the wall and a tree, almost looking like crinkly leaves of lettuce.
Awesome pictures! How do you get the wildlife to pose so nicely ;) And that beautiful young lad in the previous post is just adorable.
Nice pics, I think the bird is a buzzard. Love the lichen.
I love every one of these pictures, Claire. So beautiful! Thanks for the tour.
Beautiful pictures. Love the red cow peeping. Little Angus is so sweet. I have a cat called Angus LOL
If you hadn't said that it was a lichen I would have thought it was lettice
These are awesome shots!!!
CJ, mostly the wildlife disapears as the camera comes out of its bag, these are the few left behind!
Dan, I think you might be right but I cant find my birdie book. I usually can identify robins ok.
Alie, scotland has some lovely places, jsut think how nice it would have loked under snow?
Tea, I liked the wee cow, it was a youngster too, having a look at the scary people!
Dragonfly, I agree, thats what it looked like!
Lowa, look at your awesome picture! how gorgeous are you??
Lovely. My walks aren't nearly so scenic.
Madcap, do you have lots of snow? think of next year(or is it later this year?) when your walks will be round your own 'estate'. how cool will that be?
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