Barbara-Ann, driving Teddy in her 'new' exercise cart. I ride Teddy for them during the week. It was a bit wild and windy today so just a short try of the cart, its a bit low but is fine for getting out and about. Dave on Robbie, who is just coming back into work after being off for three months. This is his first ten minute walk, and I will be starting to long rein him mid-week. Robbie, being handsome.
Hi, Claire. He's certainly handsome - Robbie, that is!
Rosemary, he is meant to be quite cheeky too, we'll see! Ruth, thanks for visiting, no the greenhouse has been luckily sheltered by the house as the wind has mostly been w and s/w. if it had been n or e that may have been a quite different story! Granny, he knows he is too! still he has a 'kind' eye. Wildside, the horses are mostly stabled and have rugs all the time and when they are out in the field too, the haircuts are called 'clipping' where certain areas are done where they would normally be quite sweaty after working so it stops a long winter coat being wet and undryable. has a nice horse patiently having more of its hair removed for the photos
A lifetime of kind horsemanship, I think we were doing natural horsemanship before it was ''invented''
I have completed Level One with Quantum Savvy Natural Horsemanship.
I am sad I can no longer access the Parelli learning platform, its just too expensive with too many changes.
I've tried some clicker training with good results , but haven't found any one person to wholly agree with. I guess I'll just need to keep trying to see what works
Hi, Claire. He's certainly handsome - Robbie, that is!
Great blog...envious of your greenhouse. Hope the windy weather didn't cause too many problems.
He is indeed handsome.
Can you explain why the haircuts?
Rosemary, he is meant to be quite cheeky too, we'll see!
Ruth, thanks for visiting, no the greenhouse has been luckily sheltered by the house as the wind has mostly been w and s/w. if it had been n or e that may have been a quite different story!
Granny, he knows he is too! still he has a 'kind' eye.
Wildside, the horses are mostly stabled and have rugs all the time and when they are out in the field too, the haircuts are called 'clipping' where certain areas are done where they would normally be quite sweaty after working so it stops a long winter coat being wet and undryable. has a nice horse patiently having more of its hair removed for the photos
Robbie looks a nice horse Claire.
love that winter-fuzzy-yet-still-handsome Robbie! Looks like a sweet horse.
ps help! my squash seeds are sprouting! How long do I have before they take over my apartment?
Very handsome horses Claire. I too was wondering about the haircuts. Thanks for explaining.
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