using a sieve to take lumps out of the compost.

two trays of Leek Porvite and two trays of Onion Red Baron. also four pots with some Early Nantes 2 in the hope of some early baby carrot treats. All these seeds are left over from last year, so I am still holding to my 'use them up before buying any more'.

these are last years leeks, some are Porvite and some are an unknown.

one fine big leek in the front.

the brussels showing some wee green ones being eaten by something

there don't seem to be any purple ones at all, I'll leave the plants standing for just now as I hate looking at a bare garden!
My goodness, you sure keep busy!
These all look wonderful. MMmmm..early carrots. Sounds YUM!
Very admirable!
Beautiful greenhouse, Claire. I've never seen brussel sprouts growing before, so found that very interesting. Thanks for sharing these pictures.
Have a wonderful day!
I don't anyone personal who has a green house.
We have about 4 to 6 inches of snow on the ground now.
For January one day we have a chinook wind and next day it will freeze up.
sniff sniff, I want a greenhouse!!!!
I'm suffering a little envy here....wishing we had a greenhouse. Those early veges will sure taste good in the spring. I like those covered trays. Do you water from the bottom?
That sunset is gorgeous!
Happy New Year to you Claire! Hope it's filled with health, happiness and many blessings.
Oh how nice the greenhouse & garden look - wouldn't know it was january. the ground is too wet here to do anything. So much rain this winter. Love the new garden clogs too.
Lowa, I can't keep buwy enough, there's not much to do in the garden at this time of year.
Wildside, why thankyou! looks chilly where you are.
Peppylady, I think the more modern thing is a polytunnel,thats what people are getting now. hope you are keeping warm with all that snow!
Dragonfly, I love having a greenhouse, just to get out there when the weather is bad. I need it for growing tomatoes as our sumers are not warn enough.
Kerri, the compost was damp going in and its so cold they probably wont dry out for a good long time. newyears wishes to you too!
Petunia's Gardener, it is being a very wet winter here too, and warmer than I ever remember it being, cold enough but we haven't had a really hard frost yet.
On a whim, I just took some seeds out of a squash I'm baking to add to some vegetable beef soup I'm cooking (when I need to clean out the fridge I usually make soup) and I stuck them in some dirt and put some water on them and set them on the windowsill where they'd get some sun. I don't have high expectations but it seemed like it would be fun to try.
Probably your fault - coming over here & looking at all your lovely plants.
I should probably stick to kayaking.
If they choose to forgive my horticultural ineptitude and actually sprout, I will take their picture & post it with the caption "Claire's Fault!"
Bonnie, ha, I hope you have lots of room, my pumpkin plant last year was about 25ft long. . .
Yikes! So what you're saying is that squashes don't make good houseplants?
Actually my vague idea is that if they do sprout, and I don't kill them before the spring, I'd check with the gardening committee and see if there's room for a squash plant or two in the garden at the club.
Wow, what a gorgeous garden!
my dream has been to grow tomatoes in pots on my back patio - if you have any advise, bring it on =)
Maggie, well it depends on your weather, here I will plant tomato seeds inside in march and they will grow on in the summer in the greenhouse because our sumer weather is sometimes not that warm.they will grow outside here in sheletered places. this is a great site for information
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