No photographs as my inner core is safely under a layer of skin(and insulation, polite word for fat!). Today I had my 3rd Pilates lesson from a friend so I can get to the level needed to join her beginners class, my inner core is obviously somewhat negleted! Its nice to have the one2one to know your doing things properly. I am so unfit, still to do more practice and have another lesson. I think I've been missing the kayaking during the bad weather this winter and I've not been working regularly in the garden.
Once my legs had stopped shaking I got on my way to the supermarket for the big 'once in a while, fill the cupboards' shop(expensive, bright, busy, I hate it!). As I drove there was a heavy hail storm, once it finished I noticed the cars coming towards me were completely dry and all the ones going my way had a layer of white! Then while in the store there was lightning outside and a massive roll of thunder, followed by another great long hail storm. Being inside such a large building made the noise quite incredible and people stopped to discuss it, which must be a 'safety in numbers' fear reaction. I drove home and emptied the car in horrible sleety rain, yuck.
Right, its time to tuck into the gardening magazine and chocolate, I'm sure I've pulled a muscle in my belly button, do you think that's possible?