Although freezing, it was a lovely day so my friend Fiona and I got well wrapped up from the cold and ventured out for a walk (perhaps more of a wander than a serious effort!). This is Lunderston Bay which is on the River Clyde near Greenock. I love the way the trees show shaping from the wind off the sea. The big excitement was a loose cow which some other walkers said jumps the fence often and is very tame so it just comes to say hello. Also we met a birdwatcher who let us look through her fantastic telescope at a Great Crested Grebe and pointed out a Hebridean Thrush which winters here and is darker in colour than our usual song thrush. That was nice of her to take the time, I appreciated it. There is a Garden Centre behind the bay so we finished off with a cup of hot chocolate in their tea-room and as usual, unable to resist, I bought some Snowdrops and Pulmonaria. There is always room for more plants!
Very lovely scenes you have there! And you just reminded me (with your mention of purchase) I can look forward to snowdrops this year come February or March... Forgot I had planted any! But just love them, those wonderful little harbingers of Spring!
snowdrops and pulmonaria in January! even with the unusually mild winter we've had so far in norhtern Alberta, i'll not be thinking about bedding plants for several months.
lovely photos. coincidentally, one of my dearest friends is also a Fiona.
the snowdrops and pulmonaria are in pots, not flowering, just their tips showing through, they will hopefully flower and be on show on the doorstep in a month or two. I was looking at photographs from 2004 and the first snowdrop was in flower on the 8th of February. I'll plant them in the garden later in the year and hopefully then they'll come up every year.
Hey Claire, I see you've just added sea kayaking to your profile interests! That's exciting...
Me too! I mean I do it too! Just need to get the boat out more now that our local launch is available again...
What a beautiful landscape! It sounds like you had a perfect day...
these water photos are so beautiful!
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